Currently running projects
2025–(2028): MEYS CZ.02.01.01/00/23_021/0008828: Integration of biomedical research and health care in the Pilsen metropolitan area. Prof. Vaclav Liska
2024–(2028): MEYS CZ.02.01.01/00/22_008/0004644: Saving lives through research in early cancer detection and prevention: Molecular, genomic and societal factors.
2024–(2026): Czech Science Foundation 24-14077L: Engineering a Double-sided Polymer Patch for Scarless Anastomoses. Prof. Vaclav Liska, Dr. Jachym Rosendorf
2022–(2025): Internal Grant Institute of Ministry of Health of CR NU22J-06-00058: Potential of decellularized human and non-human liver scaffolds in the construction of an artificial organ. Dr. Richard Pálek
2022–(2025): Main Coordinator of Charles University research program Cooperatio – Surgical Disciplines. Prof. Vaclav Liska
2022–(2025): Ministry of Education: National Institute for Cancer Research (Programme EXCELES, ID: LX22NPO5102). Prof. Vaclav Liska
Past grants and research funding
2022–2024: Grant Agency Charles University GAUK nr. 434522: Spontaneous versus induced recellularization of decelluarized bile duct allogeneic grafts in vivo and its use for the bile duct reconstruction - experiment on domestic pig. Jan Ševčík
2021–2024: Internal Grant Institute of Ministry of Health of CR NU21-03-00506: Tumor cell and mutational landscape in colorectal cancer development
2021–2024: Internal Grant Institute of Ministry of Health of CR NU21-03-00145: Telomere homeostasis as potential biomarker of risk, prognosis and progression in gynaecologic tumours
2021–2024: Czech Science Foundation 21-27902S: Telomere homeostasis from colorectal adenoma to metastatic cancer
2021–2023: Grant Scheme of Charles University START/MED/027: Recellularization of decellularized caval vein – in vitro and in vivo experiment. Maria Stefania Massaro, MSc.
2020–2023: Internal Grant Institute of Ministry of Health of CR NU20J-08-00009: Prevention of intestinal anastomotic leakage and postoperative adhesions by using nanofibrous biodegradable materials, Dr. Jachym Rosendorf
2019–2024: Horizon 2020-WIDESPREAD – CHAPERON: ERA Chair Position for Excellent Research in Oncology
2018–2023: UNCE/MED/006: Centre of clinical and experimental liver surgery. Prof. Vaclav Liska
2019–2022: Member of the Action INTERCOST - LTC19: Identifying biomarkers through translational research for prevention and stratification of colorectal cancer (TRANSCOLONCAN)
2019–2022: Internal Grant Institute of Ministry of Health of CR NV19-09-00237: The clinicopathological and molecular factors detected in metastases, predicting of treatment response in colon cancer patient
2019–2022: Internal Grant Institute of Ministry of Health of CR NV19-08-00113: Feasibility study of next generation sequencing for individualized therapy of patiens with solid tumors
2018–2022: Action COST - CA17118: Identifying Biomarkers Through Translational Research for Prevention and Stratification of Colorectal Cancer
2018–2022: MEYS CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/17_048/0007280: Application of Modern Technologies in Medicine and Industry, Prof. Vaclav Liska
2017–2021: MEYS CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_018/0002455: Further development of experimental approches on solving actual medical problems at the Charles University, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen - accreditation of new subjects of doctoral studies. Prof. Vaclav Liska
2017–2020: MEYS CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_017/0002454: Investment support of the experimental subjects for newly accredited doctoral study programs at the Charles University, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
2017–2019: SVV 260392/2017: Microanatomic models of liver parenchymal perfusion and in vitro model of some mesenchymal and epithelial cells in pathologic conditions as source of information for prediction of liver regeneration capacity. Prof. Vaclav Liska
2016: SVV 260284/2016: Analysis of vascular changes during aging and importance of perfusion for liver regeneration. Prof. Vaclav Liska
2016–2018: European project Erasmus+: MedTrain3DModsim – Novel educational materials in medical training with 3D modeling applications and simulation modalities (Virtual reality and augmented reality).
2013–2015: Internal Grant Institute of Ministry of Health of Czech Republic (IGA MZ CR NS 14329): Evaluation of changes of molecular-biologic factors and their importance in prognosis of relapsing colorectal cancer after radical surgical treatment. Prof. Vaclav Liska
2012–2015: Internal Grant Institute of Ministry of Health of Czech Republic (IGA MZ CR NS 13326): Improvement of resecability of the malignant processes using the more accurate methods for measuring parametres of the remnant liver parenchyma – computer assisted diagnostic and software modeling. Prof. Vaclav Liska
2011–2014: Internal Grant Institute of Ministry of Health of Czech Republic (IGA MZ CR NS 12025): Molecular biological and histopathological characteristics of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes as tool for prediction of risk of early recurrence of colorectal cancer
2011–2013: OPVK (2.2.) Experimental surgery – new technologies in medicine. Prof. Vaclav Liska
2009–2011: Internal Grant Institute of Ministry of Health of Czech Republic (IGA MZ CR NS 10230-3/2009): Rationalization of strategy of oncological treatment of radically inoperable colorectal liver metastases. Prof. Vaclav Liska
2008–2011: Internal Grant Institute of Ministry of Health of Czech Republic (IGA MZ CR NR 9731-4): Influence of neoadjuvant biological therapy upon regeneration of liver parenchyma after surgical treatment –porcine experimental model. Prof. Vaclav Liska
2006–2008: Internal Grant Institute of Ministry of Health of Czech Republic (IGA MZ CR NR 8860-3): Evaluation of possibility of medical use of Interleukin 6 and Tumor necrosis factor alpha for acceleration of hypertrophy of liver parenchyma – animal model simulating conditions at patients after embolization of the right branch of portal vein. Prof. Vaclav Liska